Chiclayo Airport Master Development Plan.
Project Objectives
To expand and improve services to air passengers, as well as operational safety conditions, benefiting the users of air transport and regional trade, improving the competitiveness and economic development of Lambayeque.
- Construction of New Passenger Terminal
- Construction of new Cargo Terminal
- Extension of Runway
- Construction of Taxiways
- Compliance with ICAO regulations
- General, Terminal and Cargo Aprons
- Construction of Airport Traffic Control Tower and CORPAC offices (CORPAC: Peruvian Corporation of Airports and Commercial Aviation)
- Airport Maintenance and Waste Management Facilities
- Airport Rescue and Firefighting Station
- Parking, Access and Roadways
- Fuel Farm
$ 398,585,429
Technical Dossier
Technical Dossier
- Start of preparation of the Technical File 06-January-2021
Formulation and Evaluation
- Master Development Plan approved March 20, 2012
- Beginning of preparation of the pre-investment study at the Profile level 06-February-2015
- Approval of the Pre-investment Study at the Profile level January 11, 2017
- Beginning of preparation of the Pre-investment Study at Feasibility level 02 - February – 2017
- Approval of the update of the Master Development Plan approved 14 - February – 2019
- Environmental classification in category III - Detailed Environmental Impact Study (EIA-d) 31-May-2018
- Approval of the pre-investment study at Feasibility level 18 - January- 2019
Citizen Participation Plan of the Detailed Environmental Impact Study (EIA-d) of the Project
The Citizen Participation Plan (PPC) is a set of mechanisms that promote the involvement and relationship between the organized civil population, public entities, private entities, and the Project Owner (ADP).The PPC is executed through spaces open for dialogue in which participation, exchange, and presentation of ideas, opinions, expectations, and concerns are promoted horizontally and clearly, to consider them in the development of the detailed Environmental Impact Study ( EIA-d) in its different stages, and that can also contribute to the Project in general. Within the detailed Environmental Impact Study (EIA-d) framework, the Citizen Participation Plan has been approved by Directorial Resolution No. 00071-2021-SENACE-PE / DEIN.
EIA-d information
Suggestions mailbox